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Larvae of genus Pieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genus Pieris, and Compsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates of Pieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genus Pieris: P. rapae, P. melete, and P. napi, but neither tachinid parasitized P. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district, P. rapae and P. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, only P. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms by E. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland. C. concinnata parasitized Pieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   
城市化导致的野生动物生境破碎化,会使野栖小型兽类更多聚集分布于城区斑块化的农区和公园生境中,因而其多样性组成及时空变化模式可能会与其他区域不同,了解这些模式对防控城区野栖小型兽类的危害具有重要支撑作用。本研究于2020年12月至2021年10月,分4个季节在佛山市禅城区3个公园和7处农区生境中以夹捕法调查小型兽类,比较了小型兽类的种类、密度和生态学指标的时空差异。共有效置夹1843夹次,捕获小型兽类2目2科4属7种共244只。其中劳亚食虫目(Eulipotyphla)的臭鼩(Suncus murinus)占总捕获动物的48.77%;啮齿目中黑缘齿鼠(Rattus andamanensis,20.90%)和卡氏小鼠(Mus caroli,18.03%)为优势鼠种,黑缘齿鼠为佛山市新增记录,卡氏小鼠为禅城区新增记录。4次调查总捕获率达13.28%±0.93%,12月的啮齿类捕获率显著低于4月;公园的总捕获率和啮齿类捕获率都比农区略高,而臭鼩捕获率比农区略低,但差异不显著。12月的物种丰富度和优势度指数最高,均匀度指数最低;4月的多样性指数最高,优势度指数最低;而10月的均匀度指数最高,物种...  相似文献   
依托第四次全国中药资源普查工作,摸清马尾区药用植物资源种类、分布、重点中药材品种以及药材栽培等情况。根据第四次全国中药资源普查要求,通过实地调查、走访以及栽培基地调查等方法对马尾区药用植物资源进行调查,查阅相关资料确定野生药用植物的药用部位、生活型等。马尾区野生药用植物种类共计506种,隶属于132科360属,含2~5种的寡种科占绝对优势地位;草本为主要生活型,药用部位集中在根类和全草类;有福建省重点药材50种、特色药材22种。由于长期受人为干扰,马尾区原生植被破坏严重,药用植物种类较为贫乏。因此,可考虑林下种植中药改善土壤环境,实现中药资源可持续发展。  相似文献   
东部发达区生态安全格局构建——以苏南地区为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着城市化进程的加快,东部发达区面临水土流失、生态廊道阻断、栖息地破碎化等生态问题。识别重要生态用地,构建生态安全格局,对区域生态保护和可持续发展具有重要意义。选取苏南地区为研究区,分别基于生物多样性保护价值、水资源安全和土壤保持3项指标进行生态用地识别,结合GIS技术进行生态用地评价,以高等级生态用地作为源地;利用最小累积阻力模型,识别缓冲区和生态廊道,构建区域生态安全格局。取得以下研究结果:(1)生态安全格局由源地、廊道和缓冲区共同构成。研究区内高等级(非常重要)生态用地面积比例为22.97%;将面积大于10 km~2的高等级生态用地提取为源地,生态源地的面积比例为19.17%。(2)基于最小累积阻力模型,确定了生态缓冲区和生态廊道,其中生态缓冲区占研究区总面积的30.52%,潜在生态廊道的主要景观构成为耕地、林地和水域,分别占廊道总面积的31.82%、19.06%和17.27%。(3)通过叠加城市建设用地与生态源地、生态缓冲区图层,识别城市建设用地与生态用地的冲突区域,总面积为603.84 km~2,占源地与缓冲区面积总和的4.38%,空间上主要集中在长江沿线和太湖周边。  相似文献   
王云  潘竟虎 《生态学报》2019,39(10):3455-3467
干旱区内陆河流域的生态环境极为脆弱,生态系统的微小变化也可能给流域生态安全带来巨大影响。甘州区位于干旱内陆河流域,生态问题突出,重视生态系统自身安全、构建合理的生态安全格局是保障该地区生态安全的有效措施。通过当量因子法估算2000、2005、2010年甘州区生态系统服务的静态价值,在充分考虑各项生态系统服务功能变化率及空间集聚程度对功能发挥影响的基础上,采用生态系统服务优先指数和空间丰富度指数,对甘州区2010年生态系统服务静态价值的估算结果进行动态重构。利用重构后的生态系统服务价值构建了甘州区3种不同安全水平情景下的生态安全格局。结果表明:1)甘州区生态系统服务价值总量逐步上升,各项服务多年变化率差异不大。2)重构后生态系统服务价值量为1438.21—390993元/hm~2,大部分地区为中低值。3)低、中、高安全水平生态安全格局中,生态源地面积分别为155.75 km~2,191.25 km~2和224.5 km~2。基于生态系统服务价值构建的生态安全格局是立足于生态系统服务现状提出的规划策略,可为区域生态保护规划和生态文明建设提供重要依据。  相似文献   
城市边缘区生态承载力时空分异研究——以甘井子区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴鹰  杨俊  李冰心  李雪铭  葛雨婷 《生态学报》2019,39(5):1715-1724
以大连市甘井子区为例,利用1998年的土地利用数据和2003年、2007年、2013年的SPOT5遥感数据等多元数据,运用状态空间表征生态承载力量值的计量方法,计算了城市边缘区的社区生态承载力,并研究了甘井子区1998—2013年生态承载力的时空分异特征。结果表明:(1)时间上,1998—2013年,甘井子区整体的生态承载力呈现先快后慢的下降趋势,生态状态呈现出从优秀向良好,再向一般过渡的阶段特征。(2)空间上,甘井子区整体的生态承载力等级东西部差异明显,呈现出相同承载力等级小范围聚集和相近承载力等级间穿插分布的特征。(3)甘井子区内部各社区生态承载力程度差异明显。靠近市区的社区生态承载力15年间变化显著,生态承载程度迅速下降,远离市区的部分社区生态承载力变化不大,生态环境保持良好以上的状态。  相似文献   
红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是国际最具危险性的入侵性物种之一,传播扩散速度快、适生能力强。云南由于其独特的地理和气候环境,给红火蚁的入侵和发生提供了丰富的栖息环境和食物。本研究对云南高海拔冷凉区域人工草坪条件下红火蚁婚飞有翅蚁、工蚁活动规律,以及蚁巢变化规律进行了系统的调查研究。结果表明,在人工草坪条件下,红火蚁婚飞活动主要发生在每年的5-8月,6月初和8月初为婚飞生殖蚁发生高峰期,婚飞生殖蚁数量分别达到390.33头/1 000 m^2和523.33头/1 000 m^2,分别占到全年婚飞生殖蚁总量的25.19%和33.77%;诱集工蚁数量在6月下旬-7月上旬、8月下旬-9月下旬达到两个高峰,合计诱集数量分别为634.66头/1 000 m^2和1 636.00头/1 000 m^2,分别占到全年诱集工蚁总量的44.59%和17.30%;新增蚁巢数量在6月1日-7月1日、8月16日、9月15日-12月16日、次年3月14日-4月15日为4个增长阶段,新增蚁巢数量分别为9.66个/1 000 m^2、4.33个/1 000 m^2、5.67个/1 000 m^2、2.00个/1 000 m^2、分别占到全年新增蚁巢总数的44.62%、20.00%、26.15%、9.23%。综合婚飞年度规律、全年诱集工蚁数量、活动蚁巢数量和新增蚁巢数量方面的结果,人工草坪条件下,6-9月为红火蚁的活动发生高峰期,结合当地的实际情况,建议每年的4-6月和8-9月采用毒饵与粉剂相结合的方式进行防治,在12月份采用低毒农药灌巢进行防治。  相似文献   
赵冰  龚梅香  张启翔 《植物研究》2007,27(2):131-132
描述了蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox L.)一新变种即卷瓣蜡梅,该变种与原变种的主要区别是中花被片高度反卷,中被片颜色为白色或金黄色,主要分布于神农架林区。其中中被片颜色为白色的卷瓣蜡梅可以被看作一个新变型跳枝蜡梅。  相似文献   
Biotechnological production of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources is an appealing way to move from the current petroleum-based economy to a biomass-based green economy. Recently, the feedstocks that can be used for bioconversion or fermentation have been expanded to plant biomass, microbial biomass, and industrial waste. Several microbes have been engineered to produce chemicals from renewable resources, among which Escherichia coli is one of the best studied. Much effort has been made to engineer E. coli to produce fuels and chemicals from different renewable resources. In this paper, we focused on E. coli and systematically reviewed a range of fuels and chemicals that can be produced from renewable resources by engineered E. coli. Moreover, we proposed how can we further improve the efficiency for utilizing renewable resources by engineered E. coli, and how can we engineer E. coli for utilizing alternative renewable feedstocks. e.g. C1 gases and methanol. This review will help the readers better understand the current progress in this field and provide insights for further metabolic engineering efforts in E. coli.  相似文献   
Concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), nitrate, and soluble reactive silicon (SRSi) were monitored in 12 streams draining small catchments (<10 km2) in the English Lake District. The catchments varied with respect to underlying geology, soil type and land cover. Average concentrations of SRP were in the range 0.5–11.2 μg P l-1, and estimated loads ranged from 0.01 to 0.14 kg P ha-1 a-1. The higher concentrations and loads were associated with catchments containing improved pasture. Mean streamwater concentrations of nitrate varied from 55 to 660 μg N l-1, while loads were in the range 0.8–9.6 kg N ha-1 a-1; no general dependence on catchment properties was discerned. Concentrations of SRSi were similar in all the streams (0.8–2 mg Si l-1), and annual loads were in the range 10–26 kg Si ha-1 a-1. Loads of all three nutrients were greatest during the winter, because of higher discharges, but in some catchments containing improved pasture, considerable transport of P also took place during the summer. Concentrations of nitrate in streams draining unimproved moorland catchments are approximately twice those reported for samples taken from similar streams in 1973 and 1974, possibly because of increased atmospheric deposition of inorganic nitrogen (ammonium and nitrate). Concentrations of SRP in such streams were similar to those reported for the earlier samples. Comparisons of stream loads of SRP and nitrate with estimated inputs suggest that catchment soils retain substantial amounts of these nutrients. Implications for surface water eutrophication of changes in P retention by soils are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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